Saturday, January 26, 2008

Hilton Head Island Money Talk

Chances are that you have been watching with keen interest, the wild gyrations of the financial markets over the past number of days, and like me, wondered what in the world does all of this mean?

Are we heading into a Bear market or are we already through one and now into a Bull market? Is there a recession in our future? Job growth would indicate not. Is this instant tax credit that the democrats & republicans are working on really the answer, and if so, to what problem? It's allvery strange.

The only certainty out of all of this is that the Fed's aggressive move on interest rates is going to have a significant and positive impact on our nation's real estate issues, by providing relatively cheap money, similar to what was experienced back in 2002-2003 when we re-bounded from the economic hit brought on by 9/11.

Rates are changing daily and there may be another round of reductions by the Fed next week. If you need guidance on current rates, current conforming loan levels and availability on Hilton Head Island, I’ll be happy to assist.

But be assured that money is readily available for good quality borrowers and at very attractive rates for non-leveraged borrowers. Additionally, sellers are very willing to cooperate in buying down rates as part of the negotiating process.

If you've been waiting for a sign that the time is right to reconsider real estate on Hilton Head Island, we may have just witnessed it in the financial events of this most recent week. No better time, especially if you have been considering a property capable of generating income production, as we're approaching the start of our busiest and most profitable time of the year.

Give me a call and let me help get you started in your quest for that perfect second home on Hilton Head Island.

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